Virtual Online Video Event Live and Archived
The Leading Forum on Innovations in Population Health & Care Coordination
Academic Partner: Jefferson College of Population Health
Cosponsor: Population Health Alliance
Media Partners: Harvard Health Policy Review, Health Affairs, Population Health Journal, Accountable Care News, Value-based Payment News and Population Health News
October 12 – 14, 2021
Online Archive or Flash Drive of the Virtual Twentieth Population Health Colloquium and collocated PHA Forum Presentations!
Online Archive of Virtual Twentieth Population Health Colloquium and collocated PHA Forum Presentations
Complete conference: $195
Flash Drive of Virtual Twentieth Population Health Colloquium and collocated PHA Forum Presentations
- Access from any computer or mobile device with internet connection
- Includes presenter slides in PDF format
- Contains video, audio, and synchronized PowerPoint slides
- 6 months access from date of purchase
- Easy navigation of all sessions
- Contains video, audio, and synchronized PowerPoint slides
- Includes presenter slides in PDF format
- No internet access required
- NEW content, optimized for online learning, focused on the impact of COVID 19 on our industry across the globe
- Inspiring discussions with National experts and community leaders on how we move forward in the wake of the pandemic
- Announcement of the Winner of the Hearst Health Prize for Excellence in Population Health
- Engage with faculty through polling, Q&A sessions
- Network in real time through our Slack chat sessions and direct attendee to attendee messaging
- Live and curated sessions, streamed directly to you through our easy to navigate virtual platform
- Virtual exhibit hall featuring innovative solutions, products and services
(Virtual Colloquium speakers subject to change.)

Richard Ashworth, PharmD, MBA
President and Chief Executive Officer, Tivity Health, Former President, Walgreens, Franklin, TN

Karen DeSalvo, MD, MPH, MSc
Chief Health Officer, Google Health, Former Assistant Secretary for Health (Acting) and National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, US Department of Health and Human Services, New Orleans, LA

Gregory Dorn, MD, MPH
President, Hearst Health, San Francisco, CA

Jan Kimpen, MD, PhD
Chief Medical Officer, Philips, Former Professor and Chairman of Pediatrics and President of the Board, University Medical Center Utrecht, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Stephen K. Klasko, MD, MBA
President and Chief Executive Officer, Thomas Jefferson University and Jefferson Health, Philadelphia, PA

Don McDaniel, MBA
Chief Executive Officer, Canton & Company, Entrepreneur In Residence, Jefferson College of Population Health, Baltimore, MD

Larry Moss, MD, FACS, FAAP
President and CEO of Nemours Children’s Hospital System, Jacksonville, FL

Robert M. Pearl, MD
Author, Mistreated: Why We Think We’re Getting Good Healthcare–And Why We’re Usually Wrong, Contributor, Forbes, Lecturer, Stanford University Graduate School of Business, Former Executive Director and CEO, The Permanente Medical Group, San Francisco, CA

Mark Redlus
Chief Executive Officer, Tridiuum, Former Partner, Managing Director, and CEO, Yallingup BioEnergy, Former CEO, ImageTree Inc., Former CEO, CoreTech Consulting Group, Philadelphia, PA

William H. Shrank, MD, MSHS
Chief Medical Officer, Humana, Former SVP, Chief Scientific Officer and CMO of Provider Innovation, CVS Health, Former Director of Evaluation, Innovation Center, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Louisville, KY

Jaan Sidorov, MD, FACP, CMCE, MHSA
Chief Executive Officer, PA Clinical Network, President, Population Health Alliance, President and Chief Executive Officer, Care Centered Collaborative, Harrisburg, PA

Miles Snowden, MD, MPH
Chief Operating Officer, Navvis Healthcare, Atlanta, GA

Robert M. Wachter, MD
Professor and Chair, Department of Medicine, Holly Smith Distinguished Professor in Science and Medicine, Marc and Lynne Benioff Endowed Chair, Department of Medicine, University of California, Author, The Digital Doctor: Hope, Hype, and Harm at the Dawn of Medicine’s Computer Age and Internal Bleeding: The Truth Behind America’s Terrifying Epidemic of Medical Mistakes, San Francisco, CA

Leana Wen, MD, MSc
Visiting Professor, Health Policy and Management, Milken School of Public Health, George Washington University, Distinguished Fellow, Fitzhugh Mullan Institute for Health Workforce Equity, Former President and CEO, Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Baltimore, MD
MINI SUMMITS I (10:30 AM – 12:00 PM)
MINI SUMMITS II (10:30 AM – 12:00 PM)
— Mini Summit 3: Supporting the Management of AF Patient Populations Through Population Health and Quality Improvement Approaches (Sponsored by BMS)
— Concurrent Session II: The Holy Grail of Sustainable Engagement -Best Practices, Lessons Learned and Future Trends
— Concurrent Session III: Health Inequities and Social Determinants of Health
— Concurrent Session IV: Global Health and Technology
— Concurrent Session V: Transforming Care Delivery
— Concurrent Session VI: Training Population Health Leaders
— Concurrent Session VII: Planning for and Reopening a University During the COVID Pandemic, Lessons learned and Implications for other Businesses
MINI SUMMITS III (11:00 AM – 12:00 PM)
— Mini Summit 5: The Business Imperative for Health in the Post-Coronavirus Era
Impact on Improving Population Health
- Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Center for American Indian Health – Family Spirit
[Watch video] - Nationwide Children’s Hospital – Healthy Neighborhoods, Healthy Families
[Watch video] - Scripps Whittier Diabetes Institute – Project Dulce
[Watch video]

Paul Barach, MD, MPH
Lecturer and Senior Advisor to Dean, Healthcare Quality & Safety Program, Jefferson College of Population Health, Chief Medical Officer, MD Box; Clinical Lead, World Health Innovation Summit, Chicago, IL

Tanya Benenson, MD
Chief Medical Officer, Comcast, New York, NY

Brenda Reiss-Brennan, PhD, APRN
Principal Investigator and Advisor, Mental Health Integration Implementation Science, Intermountain Healthcare, Salt Lake City, UT

Caroline Carney, MS, RDN
Vice President, Business Development, Good Measures, Boston, MA

Caraline Coats, MHSA
Vice President, Bold Goal & Population Health Strategy, Humana, Louisville, KY

Michael Consuelos, MD, MBA, FAAP
Senior Medical Advisor, NeuroFlow, Former SVP, Clinical Integration, The Hospital & Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania, Schnecksville, PA

Douglas B. Dotan, MA, CQIA
Founder and President, Pegwin, Houston, TX

Brent Dover
Chief Executive Officer, Commure, San Francisco, CA

Paula Daniliuc
Vice President of Population Health Management, Oak Street Health, Chicago, IL

Eric Dietrich, PharmD, BCACP
Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Pharmacotherapy and Translational Research, University of Florida Colleges of Pharmacy and Medicine, Gainesville, FL

Z. Colette Edwards, MD, MBA
National Medical Director, Associate Health and Well-Being, Humana, Inc., Faculty Member, Population Health Leadership Series, Jefferson College of Population Health, Thomas Jefferson University, Baltimore, MD

Ray Fabius, MD, CPE, FACPE
Co-Founder & President, HealthNEXT, Newtown Square, PA

Alisha Fehrenbacher, FACHE
Chief Executive Officer, Elevate Health, President and Chair, OnePierce Community Resiliency Fund, Tacoma, WA

Joe Finn, MA, JD
President and Executive Director, Massachusetts Housing & Shelter Alliance, Boston, MA

Maren S. Fragala, PhD
Director Scientific Affairs, Quest Diagnostics, Madison, NJ

Cindy Gaines, MSN, RN
Chief Nursing Officer and Clinical Leader, Population Health, Philips, Alpharetta, GA

Dominic Galante, MD, MS
Chief Medical Officer, Precision for Value, Former VP, Medical Quality Management, MVP Health Care, New York, NY

Steve Goldberg, MD, MBA
Vice President Medical Affairs, Population Health and Chief Health Officer, Quest Diagnostics, Madison, NJ

Fred Goldstein
President and Founder, Accountable Health, LLC, Instructor, John D. Bower School of Population Health, University of Mississippi Medical Center, Jacksonville, FL

Erine Gray, MPA
Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Aunt Bertha, Austin, TX

Cathryn Gunther
Vice President, Global Population Health, Merck, North Wales, PA

Steven Haimowitz, MD
President, Chief Executive Officer, Gather-ed/HealthCourse, New York, NY

Judd Hollander, MD
Associate Dean, Strategic Health Initiatives, Sidney Kimmel Medical College, Professor and Vice Chair of Finance and Healthcare Enterprises, Thomas Jefferson University, Department of Emergency Medicine, Philadelphia, PA

Anand Iyer, PhD, MBA, MS
Chief Strategy Officer, Welldoc, Washington, DC

Liz Johnson, MBA, MHA
Director, Government & Community Relations, St. Edwards University, Austin, TX

Suzi Johnson, MPH, RN
Vice President, Sharp Hospice and Palliative Care, La Mesa, CA

Timothy Johnson, MD, FACP
System Vice President-Medical Group and Population Health Operations, SSM Health, St. Louis, MO

Mitchell Kaminski, MD, MBA
Navvis Associate Professor of Population Health and Program Director of Population Health, Jefferson College of Population Health, Philadelphia, PA

Sita Kapoor
Chief Information Officer, HealthEC, Piscataway, NJ

Edward M. Kennedy, Jr.
Partner, Epstein Becker Green, Board Chair, American Association of People with Disabilities, Co-Chair, Disability Equality Index, Stamford, CT

Arpit Khemka
Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, SimpleTherapy, San Francisco, CA

Travis King, PT, DPT, GCS
Chief Quality Officer, Fox Rehabilitation, Philadelphia, PA

Karen S. Kmetik, PhD
Group Vice President, American Medical Association, Chicago, IL

Rose Maljanian
Chairman & CEO, HealthCAWS, Chairman Emeritus, Population Health Alliance, Hartford, CT

Mandy Mangat, MD, MPH
Chief Clinical Transformation Officer, Navvis, St. Louis, MO

Blake Marggraff
Chief Executive Officer, CareSignal, St. Louis, MO

Aletha Maybank, MD, MPH
Chief Health Equity Officer, American Medical Association, Former President, Empire State Medical Association, Chicago, IL

Sandy Melzer, MD
Principal, Melzer Healthcare Advisors LLC, Seattle, WA

Brad Mendelson
Vice President, Innovative Operations, Absolute Care Medical Centers & Pharmacy, Baltimore, MD

Tracy Milner, MClSc (OT)
Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, BrainFx, Faculty, Assessment Module, Health Coach Certificate, York University, Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Occupational Science & Occupational Therapy, The University of Toronto, Pickering, Ontario, Canada

Bernadette Minton, MS
Senior Director Data Science Solutions, MCG, Former Senior Director, Enabling Technologies, Providence St. Joseph Health, Seattle, WA

Karen Minyard, PhD
Chief Executive Officer, Georgia Health Policy Center, Research Professor, Public Management and Policy, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA

Marjorie Morrison, LMFT, LPC
Chief Executive Officer, PsychHub, Nashville, TN

David Nace, MD
Chief Medical Officer, Innovaccer, San Francisco, CA

Mary Jane Osmick, MD
Population Health and Social Determinants of Health Consultant, MJ Osmick MD LLC, Vice President and Medical Director, American Specialty Health, West Chester, PA

Heather Peiritsch, MSN, RN
Clinical Director Value Based Bundle Programs & Post Acute Network Performance, Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals, Former Bundled Payment Program Manager, Abington Jefferson Hospital, Philadelphia, PA

Jake Peltzman, MBA, MPH
Executive Director, Women & Children’s Health Alliance, Philadelphia, PA

Helena Plater-Zyberk, MBA
Co-Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Supportiv, San Francisco, CA

Leon Ptaszek, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Physician, Cardiac Arrhythmia Service, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

Anoop Raman, MD, MBA
Chief Medical Officer, Absolute Care Medical Centers & Pharmacy, Philadelphia, PA

Price Ransom, MSPT
VP Senior National Therapy Director, LHC Group, Milton, FL

Jenna Rose, MHS
Vice President, Population Health, Oak Street Health, Chicago, IL

Lori Raney, MD
Principal, Health Management Associates, Former Medical Director, Axis Health System, Former Clinical Director, Navajo Area Indian Health Service, Denver, CO

Luis Saldaña, MD, MBA, FACEP
Health Advisor, Accountable Health, LLC, Dallas, TX

Joel Schoppig, MA
VP Strategy,, Tel Aviv, Israel

Congresswoman Allyson Y. Schwartz
President & CEO, Better Medicare Alliance, Jenkintown, PA

Anish Sebastian
Chief Executive Officer/Cofounder, Babyscripts, Healthcare Transformer, StartUp Health, Washington, DC

Audrey Sefakis, RN, BSN, CCM
Director of Care Management, Commercial Products, Tufts Health Plan, Watertown, MA

Bimal Shah, MD, MBA
Chief Medical Officer, Livongo, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, NC

Jeff Shaman, PhD
Chief Science Officer, Coriell Life Sciences, Philadelphia, PA

Brian Silverstein, MD
Director, The Chartis Group, Editoral Board, Population Health Management, Chicago, IL

Manoj Sinha
Chief Executive Officer, Bisil, Bala Cynwyd, PA

Alexis Skoufalos, EdD
Associate Dean, Strategic Development, Program Director, Doctor of Health Science in Population Health, Jefferson College of Population Health, Philadelphia, PA

Justin M. Sloan
Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness & Planning, Chief Data Officer, St. Edward’s University, Austin, TX

Anne Marie Smith, MBA
Vice President, Education and Quality Improvement, Heart Rhythm Society, Former Vice President for Education and Quality, The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions, Washington, DC

Jodi Smith, RN, CCM, ANP-BC, ND
Director of Consumer Journey, Welltok, Boulder, CO

Stephen J. Spann, MD, MBA
Founding Dean, College of Medicine, Vice President for Medical Affairs, Humana Endowed Dean’s Chair in Medicine, University of Houston, Houston, TX

Terri Steinberg, MD, MBA, FACP
Chief Health Information Officer and Vice President of Population Health Informatics, Christiana Care, Philadelphia, PA

Katherine Suberlak, MA
VP of Clinical Programs, Oak Street Health, Chicago, IL

Stuart Sutley, MBA
Business Development, Johns Hopkins HealthCare Solutions, General Partner, TCP Venture Capital, Partner, THM, Baltimore, MD

Trisha Swift, DNP, MSN, RN, CPPS
Vice President, Innovation & Transformation, ZeOmega; Founder and Managing Partner, MeritLinkx Healthcare Consulting, Plano, TX

Kathryn Vanni, MHA, MBA
Director of Quality and Performance Improvement, Franciscan Hammond Specialty Clinic, Munster, IN

Sandeep Wadhwa, MD, MBA
Chief Health Officer and Senior Vice President Market Innovation, Solera, Denver, CO

Kara Odom Walker, MD, MPH, MSHS
Senior Vice President, Enterprise Chief Population Health Officer, Nemours National Office of Policy & Prevention, Washington, DC

Jay Wohlgemuth, MD
Senior Vice President R&D and Chief Medical Officer, Quest Diagnostics, Former Director Clinical Diagnostics, Immunology, Tissue Growth and Repair, Genentech, San Juan Capistrano, CA

Tom Wroth, MD, MPH
President and Chief Executive Officer, Community Care of North Carolina, Raleigh, NC

Jeff Zucker, MBA
Co-founder and CEO, ADVault, Inc. –, Dallas, TX